Welcome to the Stone Interface

Stone Interface is my compilation of all the projects I have built, you can access them from this specific site and use them anyway you like, some of the projects are going to be updated some may not but they will always be on here.

Fortnite Club

Fortnite Club is a project I created to help and assist new player coming to the game Fortnite. It contains required tips and tricks and overall betters the players understandment


Movies is a compilation of many movies and shows and infromation about them, this project took me more than two months and a lot of effort. So, I hope you like it.


QuizPro is a quiz based website I designed using html, css, bootsrap and javascript that test your understanding about chess and is a very comprehensive test with 20 unique question with one twist question at the end (hint)


DidIt is a work in progress project that help you keep track of your Tasks and submit your tasks on time. In its current version does store the data, so you wont be able to keep the data after you refresh the page but I am working on a new prototype trying to fix that.

Date Calculator

Date Calc is a tool that helps you calculate differnces between two day and someones or your birthday. Its easy and simple to use in design and I hope you like it ツ .